Sinking the Shot: Intramurals continue with co-ed basketball

It’s that time of year again as the intramural basketball series takes over the Gleason gyms, and it hasn’t been quiet on campus since. Teams of Sterling College students, faculty, and employees take the courts for a three-week tournament-style competition, eliminating one another by each game. 

As one of the most popular intramural competitions, it’s one of the largest intramural gatherings. Does this mean that Sterling College is a basketball-oriented school? Perhaps, or maybe the Student Government Association (SGA) has done such an incredible job promoting the competition in the past.

Zachary Hash, SGA intramural director, has stepped into the position this year to continue the club’s love for sharing sports among their peers. 

“Basketball is popular around campus, whether it’s from our official basketball teams or just playing on the outside courts. I have to say that competitiveness is taken a step further here during intramurals since we [SGA] have so many teams sign up,” said Hash. 

This year produced the largest participation in basketball intramurals yet, recording twelve teams and 120 players in total. 

“When I was looking at the signup sheets, I knew that a ton of organization was going to have to take place for this tournament. Thankfully we squeezed in enough weekends and court time for all the teams to play,” said Hash. 

Seth Serfes dribbles down the court for his team. They won this game 36-32, pushing them into the next round of the tournament.

If that wasn’t enough, there was a large turnout of viewers as well, as students climbed onto the stands and supported their friends. Junior Brooklyn Kuhn came out to support her friends in their playoff game. 

“I don’t play, but I enjoy watching the game. It gives me something to do on boring evenings,” said Kuhn. 

The teams are closing into the last rounds of the tournament, closing in on championships, and looking to be hosted on February 30. Those who have lost and been knocked out of the tournament are encouraged to watch the games now that they don’t get to play. 

“We still have plenty of teams that come out to watch the others play, even if they aren’t in the tournament anymore. They are the ones that go out and shoot during halftime, still putting their skills and talents out on the court,” said Hash. 

Spending time away from studying is essential to SGA’s message, which is why intramurals are huge during this time of the year. 

“Students get burnt out, midterms are coming up, and we know how stressful school can get. We offer an escape from those stresses with some friendly, competitive fun,” said Hash. 
Be sure to check out the official SGA Instagram to follow all of their clubs and activities during the school year.

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