Warrior Recap Wk: 01/17-01/27

In the first full week back from winter break, the Sterling College Warriors had an early start to the spring sports season. 


Basketball played against the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes on January 17, a long four-game day for the Warriors. Women’s junior varsity beat the Coyotes 53-48, while the men’s junior varsity lost 96-86. The women’s varsity team game out in a close 99-94 loss, unable to keep up with the Coyotes’ strong fourth quarter. The varsity men’s basketball lost 87-74, closing the night with a difficult set of games. 

All four basketball teams traveled to McPherson to continue their conference play. Women’s junior varsity kicked off the evening with a 61-38 win, which was then followed up by the men’s junior varsity win of 88-68. Women’s varsity continued the win streak with a 78-70 win, crashing the hoop in the last minutes of the game. Men’s varsity came back with a ten-point loss to McPherson, 68-78. 

The Bethany College Swedes came to the Sterling College Gleason Center on January 24 to play against the Warriors. Women’s junior varsity won 80-73 and men’s junior varsity lost 68-78. Women’s varsity fell to the Swedes by 68-62, but the men’s varsity returned to win 80-74. The fall student-athletes were recognized during the varsity men’s half-time, celebrating their sports and classroom achievements. 

The Ottawa University Braves traveled to Sterling, Kan. for a three-game challenge on January 27, where Sterling College honored their faculty during halftime. Men’s junior varsity won with a ten-point lead of 84-74. Women’s varsity continued the energy with a 71-58 win. The Men’s varsity was cut short in a 91-83 loss against the Braves. 


The Hutchinson Meet was canceled for our swim warriors due to the dangerous road conditions. 

Indoor Track and Field:

The Indoor track team traveled to the NAIA/JUCO Challenge Meet on January 20. Results can be found on the Midwest Timing and Results website, or by clicking here

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