The Duels Begin!

SGA host first event for Dorm Duels: Sardines

The Student Government Association of Sterling College has an exciting lineup of events this year for the students–and faculty–to enjoy in between their everyday schedules. This year, SGA announced a campus-wide Dorm Duels, where each of the dorms on campus, as well as a collection of the faculty and professors, will compete in a series of events to win an ultimate goal at the end of the year.

SGA hosted its first event on August 30, where dorms competed in a campus-wide game of Sardines.

Sardines is essentially reverse hide-and-seek. One player goes and hides. Then everyone else seeks the hidden player. Once you find the hidden player, you join them in their hiding spot. These hidden spots can get tightly packed, hence the name “Sardines.” Once everyone finds the hidden player, or the time runs out, the game is over. Points are awarded to the first three players to find the hidden, which goes to their dorms, respectfully.

SGA President Robbert Stansbury is excited to enact the Dorm Duels on campus.

“We think participating in Dorm Duels is a great way for students and faculty to foster relationships with one another in a fun way! We hope to build a sense of comradery between students and to provide more fun events for everyone on campus,” said Stansbury.

SGA hosts many of the extracurricular events and activities around the campus for the students to enjoy, including seasonal intramurals.

“The ultimate goal for SGA this year is to continue the momentum of last year’s great events and to foster a greater relationship between SGA, Student Life, and the student body. As members of SGA, we strive to unite the students of Sterling College in their pursuit of Christ, academia, and community. We also want to endorse an atmosphere on campus conducive to growth, servant leadership, and memorable experiences,” said Stansbury.

The game of Sardines had each of the dorms show up to compete, despite the low numbers. In three rounds of seeking, the women of McCreery came with a lead, followed by the men’s Campbell dorm.

“The clubs on campus provide a great way to become friends with people who enjoy the same things you do! SGA is here to help give the best college experience we can to the student body. Extracurricular activities can develop new interests and help you discover more about yourself and your passions,” said Stansbury.

Stansbury hopes to get a large participation for the Dorm Duels this year, showing that SGA provides more events outside of sports.

“I cannot provide an exact expectation since this event has not been done in a while, but we are hoping to get as many students as Intramurals gets,” said Stansbury.

Follow SGA’s Instagram to keep up with the latest campus events like Blood Drives, Intramurals, and Dorm Duels.


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